Board of Directors Candidate Application

Our Mission: To serve our members, the CPA profession, and the public they serve through advocacy, collaboration, and education.

The MICPA board of directors represent the stakeholders of the community and provide governance leadership to the organization. Directors advocate for the Association, collaborate with each other and the President & CEO, educate themselves on current issues affecting the profession, and advance the mission through the goals of the MICPA strategic plan.

The MICPA board of directors are a diverse group of individuals (between 15-21) passionate about the profession and the association who serve 3-year terms. The half-day board meetings are typically held in January, May and September. An additional 1-hour virtual meeting is held mid-March to approve the MICPA budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Directors are also encouraged to join other MICPA committees or member resource groups and attend special events.

For more information, view the full director position description.


Want to be part of something great? Apply to be considered for the MICPA board of directors using the form below and the MICPA will contact you shortly.

Completing this form does not guarantee placement on the board. Nominations for board members are submitted for board approval in May of each year, then sent to the full membership. Nominees will be notified late May/early June and start their term on September 1 of that year.



Organization Type

Optionally, attach bio below.

Bio or CV