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MICPA President & CEO Bob Doyle is hitting Michigan's roads again to bring important profession news, legislative updates, member benefits and opportunities in your hometown! Catch up with us and other members as we make our way around the state in 2024!
OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONSThe room block deadline expired on July 26th, but special room rates may still be available. Please call the MICPA at 855.594.4273 to inquire.
View the Brochure
PRICING DETAILSRegister early to take advantage of the best price! Please note, discounted pricing is already reflected in the online price. No promo code is needed.Through July 19: $90 MICPA Members/ $165 Non-Members July 20 - July 30: $100 MICPA Members/ $175 Non-MembersJuly 31 - August 13: $110 MICPA Members/ $185 Non-Members
Thank You to our On The Road Partners!
All Michigan CPAs
After registering for this event, you can customize your sessions via 'My Registrations'
Michigan Specific Ethics - The Impact of State Statute & Administrative Rules on Your CPA LicenseExplore matters such as qualified CPE, firm licensure requirements, prohibited conduct and more. We guide you on a deep dive into Michigan’s accountancy law and administrative rules to help you steer clear of any violations. Explore case studies and ask the experts your questions about licensure and compliance with Michigan’s accountancy act.Bob Doyle – President & CEO, Michigan Association of CPAs, Troy
On the RoadMICPA President & CEO Bob Doyle brings important profession news, legislative updates, member benefits and opportunities to you. Catch up with us and other members as we make our way around the state in 2024!Bob Doyle – President & CEO, Michigan Association of CPAs, Troy
04:00 PM - 04:50 PM
Bring your best ideas, experiences and questions to swap with peers and other professionals during this moderated event.
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
06:30 PM - 06:30 PM