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Finding the Exit: Navigating the Seller-Buyer Transition
Presented by Accounting Practice Sales
Protect yourself and your clients against rising cyber threats
Business Valuation Essentials for CPAs
The ABCs of valuing your client's closely held business
Michigan Certified Development Corporation
SBA 504 Loans Demystified The U.S. Small Business Administration 504 loan could be an effective option for your clients on real estate equipment Eric Kehler, VP of SBA 504 Lending for MCDC discusses.
Making Sense of Payroll Processing at Accounting Firms - Presented by ADP
Joshua Hazel and Brooke Ritter from ADP Discuss how modernizing payroll processes can lend a competitive edge to independent practices and growing firms.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Care Solutions
The Blue Cross Blue Shield System is made up of 35 independent and locally operated companies. To access your member services, please visit your BCBS company.
Trion Solutions' Value Proposition Payroll and Human Resource Solutions to Grow Your Business
Welcome to Trion Solutions! We help small- to mid-size companies relieve the stress and burden of HR administration, so they can remain focused on their core businesses.
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