Taxpayer Resources

Let Us Help You

Make Filing Your Taxes Prosperous and Stress Free
To help you make the best possible choice when it comes to tax assistance and hiring a qualified expert, the MICPA has prepared a guide to arm you with the knowledge you need during tax season.

Top Ten Questions to Ask a Tax Preparer



How do you determine your fee and how much it will cost? (Reasonable fees vary, but the cost to prepare your return should not be based on the amount of your refund.)


How is your data protected? (The preparer should have a written security plan as required by the IRS.)


Are you open and available year-round? (Preparers should be available year-round to help you as needed.)


Will I be receiving my refund directly (i.e. through the mail or direct deposit)?(Refunds should come to you directly, and direct deposit is the fastest and safest way to get your refund.)


If the Michigan Department of Treasury or IRS contacts me regarding my return, will you be able to assist me? (The answer should be yes because you must respond if this happens.)


Will you provide me with a copy of my completed tax return and return any original documents I provided? (Yes.)


Will you be signing the tax return as a preparer? (Yes.) May I see proof of your PTIN? (All signing preparers are required to have a PTIN.)


Are you affiliated with a professional organization? *


Do you have a professional license, credential or training? If so, may I see proof including current status? *


How do you learn about new tax laws? (The best answer is through continuing education.)

* A “no” response to questions 8 & 9 does not necessarily mean that the tax preparer has a lesser ability to properly prepare your tax return.


10 Questions to Ask a Tax Preparer

Top 10 Questions to Ask a Tax Preparer (English)

Las 10 Preguntas Principales Para su Preparador de Impuestos (Español)


10 Questions to Ask a Tax Preparer (SPANISH)

Tax Preparation Links


Michigan E-File
Receive your tax refund faster by taking advantage of e-File.
  Start Now

Michigan Department of Treasury Tax Information
Find the tax information you'll need for this season from the definitive source.
  Learn More

Property Tax Estimator & Mileage Rate
Estimate your current property taxes or compare property tax and mileage rates with other local units throughout Michigan.
  Get an Estimate

Michigan Tax Tribunal
The Michigan Tax Tribunal is an administrative court that hears tax appeals for all Michigan taxes.
  Learn More

Michigan First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account (FHSA)
The Michigan FHSA allows account holders to save for a home while deducting most, if not all, of their FHSA contributions from state income tax. These accounts can be opened for yourself or you can designate the account for a qualified beneficiary like a child or grandchild. Learn more at the Michigan Department of Treasury.
  More Detail


Federal E-File for Taxpayers
Make filing easy and get your refund earlier by e-filing
  Start Now

Federal Tax Forms
The IRS provides access to tax forms and instructions for both individuals and businesses.
  Start Now

Tax Relief in Disaster Situations
Special tax law provisions may help taxpayers recover financially from the impact of a disaster, especially when the president declares their location to be a major disaster area.
   See if you Qualify

Tax Information for Members of the U.S. Armed Forces
Tax laws provide special benefits for active members of the U.S. Armed Forces, including those serving in combat zones.
  Check Benefits

Contact a Local IRS Tax Office in Michigan
IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers are your source for personal tax help when you believe your tax issue cannot be handled online or by phone.

Looking for a Tax Professional?

Access the MICPA's database of CPAs and find the right fit to help you with your specific tax needs.