Hi, I’m Bob Doyle, the new President & CEO of the MICPA. I’ve decided to start this blog so I can “speak” directly with you, our members, along with other stakeholders within the Michigan accounting community. Today is an important day. We said goodbye to our longtime President & CEO Peggy Dzierzawski, as she goes off to enjoy a well-deserved retirement after more than 45 years of dedicated service to the MICPA, 23 as our leader.
I am privileged and honored to be selected as the next leader of this fantastic organization. In future blogs I’ll give you more background on me. Today, I would like to tell you about the five-week transition period that we are wrapping up today. For those that know Peggy this won’t come as a surprise, but she definitely did not plan on coasting into her retirement! She set up an intense five-week schedule full of internal and external meetings so I could, not only learn everything possible about the organization and profession, but to get a head start on connecting with some of our many important relationships. Little did we know that we would also be dealing with a global pandemic in the middle of this!
The first three weeks we had a lot of in-person meetings, which included spending a day in Lansing. The last two+ weeks we’ve spent a lot of time meeting via Zoom video conference. It was great for me to be able to start building these personal relationships that I look forward to continuing- especially with our members, the AICPA, other state societies and, most importantly, our staff. Today, we had an all-staff Zoom call where we had the opportunity to say goodbye to Peggy, thank her, and wish her well into the future.
It’s been a great transition; I would like to personally thank Peggy for doing everything possible to set me and the MICPA up for success in the future! Even in these uncertain times as we respond to the needs of our members and the profession due to the impacts of the coronavirus, I firmly believe we will come out of this an even stronger organization. I can’t thank you enough for your continued support.
Our activities related to COVID-19 seem to change daily as we respond to the needs in front of us. Please continue to check our website resources page, email alerts, and social media channels for the latest. And please join the conversation on MICPA Connect as well. These are for you to interact with your colleagues across the industry. Finally, I would like to invite you to join us for three virtual roundtables that we scheduled for this week: A legislative update on Wednesday, an economic update on Thursday, and a discussion geared for small firm practitioners on Friday.
Please always feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or comments. I look forward to connecting with you!
All the best,