Topical Thoughts from MICPA President & CEO, Bob Doyle What About...Bob?

With degrees in engineering, management and a master’s in communications, Bob pivoted from a career
at GM to the world of associations before finding his calling as the MICPA’s President and CEO. Learn more about Bob by reading this feature article in MICPA Connections.

Catch up on what Bob has to say:

In real life, people are awesome…that is one of my favorite quotes. Throughout this pandemic, I’ve seen countless stories across this great state, throughout the United States and around the world of people just being incredibly awesome. (If you haven’t watched actor John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” shows on YouTube, please take 20 minutes and watch one now. I’ll wait!) Did it bring tears to your eyes like me? From honoring our healthcare heroes on the front lines to helping feed the less fortunate to producing much needed PPE, there are so many awesome people in this world doing awesome things! 

We want to do our small part in recognizing these people and companies that are part of the MICPA who are doing awesome things. Please help us #AcCountTheWays that CPAs and others in the accounting profession are making a difference as we work together to fight COVID-19. It all counts. It all adds up. We want to share what you’re doing so send us a sentence or an image, tag us with #AcCountTheWays on social media. We’ve received a lot of entries already so keep them coming. We look forward to honoring you! 

Speaking of well-deserved honors, this week is National Volunteers Week! I am so proud to represent this organization that wouldn't exist without our incredibly dedicated volunteers. Our mission as an association is to serve our members and our profession. In turn, we have hundreds of volunteers each year who give back to us and the profession by giving their time in so many ways. From serving on a task force, committee, or our board, speaking with high school students or more recently helping small businesses navigate through the CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program, our volunteers are awesome! 

THANK YOU to our many, many volunteers who have made the difference to us with your time, seemingly endless energies and expertise. You’re always showing us what is new in the profession and what is best in it. Let’s #AcCountTheWays it adds up. And we’re always welcoming more volunteers, so if you’re looking to see where you could help us, and your profession please reach out! 

All the best, 


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