Topical Thoughts from MICPA President & CEO, Bob Doyle What About...Bob?

With degrees in engineering, management and a master’s in communications, Bob pivoted from a career
at GM to the world of associations before finding his calling as the MICPA’s President and CEO. Learn more about Bob by reading this feature article in MICPA Connections.

Catch up on what Bob has to say:

The onset and disruption stemming from COVID-19 has reminded us that our teams are our most important and valuable assets. Without them we would be unable to provide services, manufacture products or operate effectively. I know how important the MICPA team has been to me throughout this crisis! We could not continue to provide great service to our members without this fantastic team that I am privileged to lead.  

Throughout this crisis the MICPA has strived to provide our members, business owners and the public with information, resources and guidance for successfully navigating the volatile fiscal and economic climate. Governor Whitmer is now allowing offices to reopen where remote work isn’t possible, but executive orders released in recent weeks require those businesses to adhere to strict safety measures. So, as we begin our return to the workplace, we understand that many employees are concerned about safety as well as changes to company policies and procedures that we have implemented, and of course we want our teams to be assured we are taking their concerns seriously. 

To assist you, your business and even your clients in getting back to work, we are developing a living business reopening “Toolkit” which includes a variety of helpful tips on everything from workplace safety measures to business checklists and financial considerations on the road to economic recovery. 

Please access the toolkit here "Return to Work Toolkit" and be sure to check back for further updates. We hope this is another valuable tool that MICPA offers our members. 

All the best, 


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