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by OPTIV | Oct 6, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic affected our digital lives in in previously unfathomable ways. This spring, workers moved out of office buildings and established workplaces in their homes, conducting “business as usual” from makeshift desks and repurposed spaces. At their side, school-age children were attempting to plug into virtual learning environments. Birthday parties and game nights evolved into online events and telemedicine became the norm.
The list goes on…
These dramatic shifts in “normal” activities forced organizations to overhaul their cybersecurity policies and budget for new or expanded technology to support the migrations of their most valuable assets – people. As we begin to grow accustomed to this new way of living and working – which isn’t so unfathomable anymore – October provides an opportunity to start readdressing cybersecurity best practices with our employees, their families, our customers/patients/clients/consumers and communities.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month provides an opportunity for organizations like Optiv to spread hard-won industry expertise on topics relevant not only to cybersecurity practitioners and executives but also to digital citizens across the globe. Many types of resources will be shared this month. If you don’t yet have plans for promoting awareness within your organization, here are a few ideas:
Each year, this list will change – and the more creative and engaging you can make it for the people in your organization the more effective it will be. If not for social distancing, the list might include door/cube decorating competitions, lunch and learns, raffles and giveaways in the breakroom, posters, etc. It’s never too early to plan for next year, so start generating ideas now.
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Source: OPTIV
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