
MICPA Recognized by Hospice of Michigan in Pinning Ceremony


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Last week, the Hospice of Michigan (HOM) recognized the contributions of the MICPA to their organization in a pinning ceremony meant to commemorate the long-standing relationship between both organizations. The HOM is the most experienced provider of hospice care in Michigan, currently serving around 4,700 patients annually in 46 counties. With roots dating back to the 1970s, HOM is the largest in our state, and among the largest recognized 501c3 non-profit advanced illness management organizations in the nation.  

The pinning ceremony, held on Oct. 14, honored members of the HOM’s recently named Lifetime Giving Society, the Dolores Bos Crystal Rose Society. The MICPA was among those celebrated as a member of the society, having long supported the efforts of HOM for their service to those in need regardless of age, diagnosis or ability to pay.  

The MICPA has collaborated with HOM on multiple projects over the years. Recently, MICPA members, staff and HOM worked together to create a Guide to Financial Preparedness to assist HOM patients and families with end of life financial planning and preparedness.  

The HOM relies on the support of donors for the treatments, medications, equipment, services, grief support, complimentary therapy, and spiritual care of its patients and families in need.  

The important work and compassionate care provided by Hospice of Michigan is made possible through the generous contributions of our friends.  

Visit to make a donation or learn more.

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Source: MICPA

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