
UAA Model Rules updated to support evolution of CPA licensure



The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) board of directors has approved updated language to the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA) Model Rules that will pave the way for the CPA Evolution project.

NASBA and the AICPA have worked together for years on CPA Evolution, an initiative designed to ensure that newly licensed CPAs will maintain the skills needed for success today and in the future. CPA Evolution will require each CPA candidate to demonstrate core skills in accounting, auditing, tax, and technology, plus more in-depth knowledge in one of the following three areas:

  • Tax compliance and planning.
  • Business analysis and reporting.
  • Information systems and controls.

The UAA Model Rules are designed to be a template for states as they create their rules and regulations for the accounting profession. By following the UAA Model Rules, state regulators enhance consistency across jurisdictions while promoting public protection, facilitating consumer choice, and supporting the efficient operation of the capital markets.

The changes approved by the NASBA board were endorsed by the AICPA board of directors and amend UAA Model Rules for education that have not been significantly updated since 2008. Although the Model Rule changes aren’t required for implementation of the CPA Evolution initiative, the amendments advance the project’s goal to create uniformity across all states and jurisdictions that license CPAs. The changes:

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Source: Journal Of Accountancy

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