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by MICPA | Feb 16, 2021
As trusted advisors, CPAs are relied upon by clients to provide answers on wide range of topics from investment and retirement planning to budgeting and market insight. Now, in a world working hard to recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19, many CPAs are finding themselves fielding questions from clients about how and where to receive COVID-19 vaccinations, among other pandemic-related queries. Fortunately, one needn’t be a doctor to point a client toward resources that will aid them in finding and scheduling a vaccination.
If your clients are asking about vaccinations – for themselves, their family or their employees – there are a number of resources you can provide. However, first and foremost, to give the best advice, staying up to date on all the latest vaccination information is of the utmost importance. Therefore, the MICPA recommends that financial advisors in the State of Michigan refer to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) for information on how to schedule a vaccine and the vaccine rollout timeline.
The MDHHS also provides a tool for locating vaccine availability, scheduling and processes by county throughout the state of Michigan. You and your clients can use the tool to find local distribution information, including location, point of contact and updated information on appointment availability.
In addition to MDHHS resources, Michigan Medicine: University of Michigan (UMHS) is tracking vaccination updates on a dedicated webpage with comprehensive information on availability and scheduling. As more resources become available, the MICPA will work to ensure that members and their clients stay up to date in the weeks ahead. Follow our COVID-19 Resource page for all the latest on vaccination availability in the State of Michigan.
Source: MICPA
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