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by MICPA | Apr 6, 2021
The coronavirus pandemic served as a hard lesson for many on the importance of strong financial and preparedness. Unfortunately, while financial literacy is an essential tool to navigating adult life, less than half of America’s states require public schools to offer students a course on personal finance, according to Forbes1. Driving initiatives to increase financial literacy at every level and every stage continues to be a top priority among the MICPA and its members. This is why, every April, the MICPA strives to recognize National Financial Literacy month.
Join us as we explore the top financial issues impacting Americans today and speak with members to gain insight on them while adding a CPA perspective. From hot-button topics like financial infidelity and early financial education to smart market moves and post-pandemic retirement planning, the MICPA is excited to push financial literacy forward in 2021. Members can follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter and check our weekly enewsletter and website for articles, resources, insights, tips and tricks dedicated to increasing financial literacy and better financial health at work, at home and in our communities.
Source: MICPA
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