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by MICPA | May 18, 2021
The accounting profession is nothing if not quick to adapt, and as technology continues to change the landscape of the industry, firms are searching for ways to grow the talent and skill of non-CPA professionals already familiar with their business. According to the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) 2019 Annual Trends Report, 31% of all CPA firm new hires in 2018 were non-accountants, which is a 20% increase from 2016. This increase in non-accounting personnel is due, in large part, to the growing prevalence of auditing technology adoption.
As non-accounting professionals continue to work side-by-side with accounting and auditing teams, Aquinas College is launching a new program aimed at providing training for non-CPA professionals in financial accounting, accounting systems and auditing to improve the effectiveness of audit teams in public accounting. The Aquinas College Accounting and Auditing Certificate Program (AACP) was originally planned as an in-person course but has since been adapted to be 100% online. The courses will begin June 1, 2021 and last ten weeks, held on Tuesdays from 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. EST.
It’s exciting to identify a specific educational need in the accounting world and develop a program to help fill that need,” Professor Anthony Burdick, member of the MICPA's Educators Task Force, explains. “We believe the Accounting and Auditing Certificate Program will positively impact audit teams by training non-accounting team members in the fundamentals of financial accounting, accounting systems and auditing.”
Those interested in upskilling their non-accounting staff or themselves can check the AACP registration details online.
Source: MICPA
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