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by Alex DiBartolomeo, CPA | Apr 5, 2022
My wife and I have been together for six and a half years, married for half of a year (cue blissful music) and have been talking and managing money as a couple all the while. Though we are a young couple, we don’t believe our lack of tenure precludes us from having perspective. We’re fortunate to have been able to observe and learn from our families and friends.
Money means different things to different people and every couple operates uniquely. While what my wife and I do works well for us, it may not work well for you and yours.
Rather than tell you about the specific strategies and transactions we make as a couple, here are a few steps and principles to serve as a guide for financial (and marital) bliss:
These points are intended to be simple. The “gurus” on Tik-Tok or Instagram that offer secrets or hot tips often disillusion people with survivorship bias. Managing money as a couple (or an individual for that matter) does not have to be rocket science nor does it involve special instructions. Understand the basics, practice them for yourself first and, above all, prioritize tracking and communication.
By Alex DiBartolomeo, CPA, Senior Manager at UHY Corporate Finance and Member of the MICPA Financial Literacy Task Force
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