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by MICPA | Sep 20, 2022
Professionals in every industry, especially those where credentials must be earned and maintained, have put hours into mastering the technical skills required to perform within their field. In recent years, however, another subset of skills has steadily been climbing in importance within the workplace, especially among those companies planning to continue remote and hybrid environments. According to Forbes, foundational soft skills were present in 78% of global job listings between June and September of this year. Despite the recent spotlight, soft skills have long been a key to individual success. For example, before the pandemic, LinkedIn’s 2019 Global Talent Trends report saw the majority of recruiters (89%) cite a lack of soft skills as the main reason a hire may not work out1.
In the post pandemic world, being a well-rounded professional and leader means being mindful about how well we communicate and empathize with others. Fostering these soft skills can build professional and personal bridges to places hard skills alone cannot reach. CPAs know the value of emotional intelligence when it comes to creating client experiences, but what about building a workplace that people love and want to engage with? How do you translate the soft skills you have or are working to build into an effective strategy for driving diversity, equity and belonging (D&I)?
Join the MICPA and our nationally acclaimed speakers on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi for Accelerate. Attendees will spend the afternoon gaining insight into how to lead with joy, inspire connection in the hybrid world and master the art of messaging. Plus, revisit the core elements of D&I strategy and how to navigate uncomfortable conversations. Then, join our reception to network and prepare to Celebrate with our awards event right after!
Doors open at 1:00 p.m. or join us from the comfort of your favorite café or comfy chair for our virtual simulcast. Learn more, or register today, at
Source: MICPA
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