Celebrating Member Stories

Submit a Member Story
We are celebrating the achievements made by YOU, MICPA members! If you have been featured in, or written content in a publication like Forbes, recently authored a book, celebrated an organizational milestone, or helped make a difference in your community, we want to share your story!

Submit your accomplishments in the form below and if you have any additional questions, email marcom@micpa.org.



Not sure what to share? Here are some examples:

Public service achievements & Award nomination/recipients:

  • Chamber of Commerce award honoree

Organizational/firm milestones and expansions:

  • 2021 Top Workplaces USA.
  • Celebrating 50th anniversary.
  • Opening first location.

Personal Accomplishments:

  • Recently featured or written content in publication IE Forbes.
  • Authored a book.

Disclaimers/Rules: No sales pitches. All submissions will be used at the MICPA’s discretion.

Member/Organization Information

Tell your story! Provide background on your accomplishment. If necessary, MICPA will follow up.

To allow us to tag you on our social media accounts, provide us with your business/personal social media handles.

Copy and paste URL links to articles or webpages that support your story.

Supporting Media: Use the fields below to upload additional, relevant media. For example: a company logo, articles, images, headshots etc.


Accepted Image Format: Headshots should be provided as jpgs, in a minimum size of 820x312px. Logos should be provided as eps or high-quality, transparent pngs.
