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by MICPA | Sep 12, 2022
On Aug. 2, Michigan held its 2022 Primary Election. This election is a critical event that sets the ballot for the 2022 general election that will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 8. With the combination of new district lines and term limits, this election will have a sweeping effect on the political landscape in Michigan. Across the state, voters took to the polls to make choices within their parties for positions across the ballot from local elected officials, State Senators and Representatives, Congressional Representatives, and the Governor. The MICPA kept a close eye on the results and how they might impact the CPA profession. At the top of the ballot is the Governor’s Race. For the Republicans, Tudor Dixon, was chosen to challenge Governor Gretchen Whitmer this November. In the U.S House of Representatives, Congresswoman Haley Stevens won over Congressman Andy Levin in a congressional primary that was being watched around the country, and John Gibbs defeated incumbent Peter Meijer in the third congressional district. In the Michigan Senate, Senator Mallory McMorrow and Representative John Damoose both won their respective primaries and are expected to be sitting senators come January. Back in the Michigan House, Representative Andrew Beeler won in the 64th House District over his current colleague, Representative Gary Eisen, and current Senator Curt Vanderwall was successful in his primary to return to the House representing the 102nd district. Representative Matt Hall is expected to return to the House come January representing House District 38. Two MICPA members, Kevin Whiteford, CPA and Paul Taros, CPA won their races and will be on the ballot on Nov. 8. As a result of the primary, there will beat least 57 freshman elected officials in Lansing come January, 2 in the Senate and 55 in the House of Representatives. This means 39% of the elected officials will be brand new to the job in the next legislative session. The MICPA has already begun building relationships with candidates who are likely to win the general election in November. If you have a relationship with any of the candidates or want to get involved, reach out to us at
Source: MICPA
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